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Build a Tesla coil

Institut for Energi


Build a Tesla coil

Institut for Energi


Kort beskrivelse af aktiviteten: The objective is to build a small tesla coil and to test it in our high-voltage lab. The students can build the frame in our 3D printer, put the wires and then generate some sparks. This is not an easy project, so we will have to provide the dimensions and other design parameters. However, the students can have a project where they explain the basic design and do some small tuning. They can simulate the circuit and compare some parameters to measurements.

Faglig relevans: Physics – level A, 3.G., HTX.

Nøgleord: Tesla coil, High voltage, electromagnetic fields

Forberedelse: Will be arranged before the visit with the contact person.

Tidspunkter for besøget: To be arranged with the contact person.

Maks. antal personer: 4-5 per group

Besøgets varighed: Full day or multiple days

Mødested: Department of Energy Technology, Pontoppidanstræde 111, 9220 Aalborg Ø.

Kontaktperson: gymnasieportalen@adm.aau.dk, Hanchi Zhang, AAU Energi

Evt. detaljeret beskrivelse / Bilag: Video of an old one built at AAU: 


AAU Laboratorie - Energi

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AAU Laboratorie - Energi


Tesla coil AAU

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Tesla coil AAU

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