Towards a sustainable economy

Towards a sustainable economy

Towards a sustainable economy
Kort beskrivelse af aktiviteten: The talk will discuss how the “traditional” way of thinking about economics compares to newer approaches where environmental sustainability is prioritized.
We will show how we can move from a paradigm where nature is seen as a resource for production, to one where economic process are designed according to social and environmental goals.
We will present some reasons why we can be optimistic and pessimistic about humanity’s capacity to successfully solve the challenge of climate change.
Faglig relevans: Socialscience, economics.
Nøgleord: Ecological economics, environmental sustainability, green Transition.
Forberedelse: No particular preparation is expected from the students, although relevant material can be shared beforehand (a book chapter for instance).
Maks. antal personer: To be agreed with the contact person.
Tidspunkter for besøget: To be agreed with the contact person.
Besøgets varighed: 1-2 timer.
Mødested: To be agreed with the contact person.
Kontaktperson: - Sebastian Valdecantos, adjunkt, AAU Business School.