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Soap and other detergents - Characteristics and how they work

Institut for Materialer og Produktion


Soap and other detergents - Characteristics and how they work

Institut for Materialer og Produktion

Kort beskrivelse af aktiviteten: In a 30 min. -1 hr. lecture the theoretical background on what a detergents is and how detergents work will be presented. We will also discuss the set-up of the experiments in the lab. Furthermore, the students will also get an overview of the most important areas of applications. After the lecture the students will perform their experiments in the lab where they will measure CMC (critical micelle concentration) of detergents and find out how parameters like salt will influence the formation of micelles. To round off the experiments we will take a tour through most of our lab facilities and finally discuss the results in the lecture room. At the end of the visit the students will get a short introduction into the programmes (Physics and Nanotechnology) we can offer them.

Karakter af besøgets indhold: Introduktionsforedrag, som kombineres med rundvisning og hands-on i laboratoriet

Faglig relevans: Relevant for Kemi

Nøgleord: Detergens, sæbe, CMC (critical micelle concentration), hydrofobiske effekt

Forventet niveau: Relevant for flere niveauer

Forberedelse: ingen

Udbytte: Understanding what a CMC is and how it can be influenced by different parameters such as salt, understanding the role of CMC when cleaning with soap/washing powder.

Maks. antal personer: 20-25 elever

Tidspunkter for besøget: aftales med kontaktperson

Besøgets varighed: 3-6 timer afhængig af forsøg i laboratoriet.

Mødested: AAU Institut for Materialer og Produktion, Fibigerstræde 14-16, 9220 Aalborg Øst.

Kontaktperson: gymnasieportalen@adm.aau.dk  Eva Maria Petersen, Institut for Materialer og Produktion


AAU Laboratorie - Materialer og Produktion

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