AI for Wireless Sensing and Communication

AI for Wireless Sensing and Communication

AI for Wireless Sensing and Communication
Kort beskrivelse af aktiviteten: Explore the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its application in wireless sensing and communication. This interactive session will demonstrate how AI is revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with wireless technology.
Karakter af besøgets indhold: The visit will include a combination of engaging lectures, hands-on experiments, live demonstrations, and a guided tour of our state-of-the-art research facilities. Special arrangements can be made to tailor the activities to specific interests.
Faglig relevans: Fysik, Matematik, Teknikfag/Teknologi, Kommunikation og IT samt Innovation.
Nøgleord: Artificial Intelligence, Wireless Communication, Sensing Technology, Data Analysis, Machine Learning
Forventet niveau: The content is suitable for students in 2.g and 3.g levels, and it can be adapted for A and B levels.
Forberedelse: Students should have a basic understanding of wireless technology and AI concepts. Recommended preparation includes reviewing introductory materials on AI and wireless communication. Teachers are encouraged to discuss these topics in class prior to the visit.
Udbytte: Students will gain knowledge and hands-on experience with AI-driven wireless sensing tools and will collect data that can be further analyzed in subsequent classes. This visit aims to enhance their understanding of the practical applications of AI in technology.
Maks. antal personer: The visit can accommodate up to 30 students. If necessary, parallel sessions can be arranged for larger groups.
Tidspunkter for besøget: Times for the visit are to be agreed upon with the contact person. Flexible scheduling options are available to accommodate school timetables.
Besøgets varighed: The visit can be tailored to fit a half-day or full-day schedule based on the school's preferences and the depth of engagement desired.
Mødested: The meeting place will be agreed upon with the contact person. Detailed directions and logistical information will be provided in advance.
Kontaktperson:, Ming Shen, Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University
Detaljeret beskrivelse / Bilag: An appendix with detailed descriptions of the activities, data sheets, and links to relevant background materials (e.g., YouTube videos, company links) will be provided. Students will have the opportunity to meet with current AAU students and researchers. Practical details, such as the necessity for packed lunches, will also be included.