New research centre in Aalborg to strengthen Denmark's position in the quantum field
Lagt online: 01.10.2024

New research centre in Aalborg to strengthen Denmark's position in the quantum field
Lagt online: 01.10.2024

New research centre in Aalborg to strengthen Denmark's position in the quantum field
Lagt online: 01.10.2024
Lagt online: 01.10.2024
By Helene Dahl Gottschalk, AAU Communication and Public Affairs
Photo: Private photo
This kind of basic research is a prerequisite for building large quantum systems and networks like those that technology powers USA and China are also working on.
The research at the new centre relates to the quantum field and will focus on the fundamental principles and protocols that will create classical communication for the coming quantum era.
"Many quantum applications have a critical need for classical communication, i.e., the kind of electronic communication we use for the Internet and our mobile phones," explains Professor Petar Popovski who will lead the new centre.
He continues:
"I’m looking forward to getting started, and I’m pleased that Aalborg University will now help advance this new perspective on research in the quantum field."
The new Centre of Excellence will bring together current researchers from the Department of Electronic Systems, the Department of Materials and Production, the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Computer Science. And then an additional 12-16 researchers will be hired. But the idea is also that the centre will attract researchers who work on other projects in the field so that it becomes a hub for research in the field.
For many of us, both classical and quantum communication is not the easiest to understand, but Petar Popovski describes it like this:
"Think of our current communication networks as highways and think of classical data as ordinary cars. Quantum technology can be thought of as a flying car. This requires the highway infrastructure to take a leap and support 3D mobility," he explains.
The new centre will help create the new 3D roads needed so that the new flying cars – i.e., quantum technology – have the best possible conditions for finding their way to where the quantum resources need to be used.
This is the fourth time in Aalborg University's history that the university has been granted a Centre of Excellence and for the Tech area, it is the first time ever.
“Congratulations to Petar and Aalborg University. We are proud to receive a grant from the Danish National Research Foundation for an incredibly exciting technical area that needs a lot of new, foundational research. The new Center of Excellence will not only strengthen the university's position in quantum research, but also support Denmark's leading position on the global technological map. By bringing together expertise from several departments and attracting talented researchers from all over the world, we will create a dynamic hub for groundbreaking research that will shape the communication networks of the future," says Rector Per Michael Johansen.
The centre opens in early 2025.
Centres of Excellence are established for up to 10 years split into two grant periods of six and four years, respectively. Petar Popovski will be the centre director, and four professors will be co-directors: Jan Østergaard, Thomas Garm Pedersen, Horia Cornean and Kim Guldstrand Larsen.
Only the best researchers with the best and most ambitious ideas receive a centre grant. The grant has a very high status among top Danish researchers. The CoE programme is the flagship of the Danish National Research Foundation and can be described as "Olympic gold for the best researchers with the most ambitious ideas in Denmark".
Professor of Communication Technology in the Department of Electronic Systems at Aalborg University. Earned his PhD in wireless communication from Aalborg University in 2005. Has received several honours and awards. Born in North Macedonia and resides in Aalborg.