
Canteen Tender Completed: Jespers Torvekøkken Stays On

: 12.12.2023

Jespers Torvekøkken was again awarded the contract when they made the best offer according to certain criteria. They have a strong focus on strategies and initiatives for reducing food waste, purchasing goods and the general CO2 footprint of the company.

Canteen Tender Completed: Jespers Torvekøkken Stays On

: 12.12.2023

Jespers Torvekøkken was again awarded the contract when they made the best offer according to certain criteria. They have a strong focus on strategies and initiatives for reducing food waste, purchasing goods and the general CO2 footprint of the company.

By Anna Diaz Korsaa, AAU Communication & Public Affairs. Translated by LeeAnn Iovanni, AAU Communication & Public Affairs. Photo: Emilie Bach Pedersen, AAU Communication & Public Affairs. 

When students and staff need to satisfy their hunger or quench their thirst at Aalborg University, Jespers Torvekøkken is still the one that comes to the rescue.

The old contract with Jespers Torvekøkken was offered and awarded before the war in Ukraine with the price increases for food and electricity that followed. It thus became difficult for Jespers Torvekøkken to run the canteens without additional subsidies from AAU; the contract was therefore re-tendered. 

Three bidders submitted tenders, and Jespers Torvekøkken was again awarded the contract as their bid was the most advantageous in terms of the award criteria:

  • Price
  • Concept and selection
  • Sustainability and global goals

Jespers Torvekøkken offers student meals at student-friendly prices. In the future, a student meal with meat will cost DKK 28 and one without meat DKK 26. There will still be two days with only green meals and in Kroghstræde 3 only green meals will be served.

As a company, Jespers Torvekøkken has a strong focus on strategies and initiatives for reducing food waste, purchasing goods and their general CO2 footprint. 

The new contract will take effect on 1 January 2024.

New, intelligent refrigerators and freezers

As something new, the options for buying food, drinks and snacks outside normal opening hours are being limited, as the previous solution could not handle the loss that unfortunately occurred. "Smart" refrigerators and freezers will therefore be installed. In January these will be set up in Kroghstræde 3 i Aalborg and A.C. Meyers Vænge 15 in Copenhagen, after which they will be evaluated. In the period until a new solution is fully implemented, it will still be possible to buy food, drinks and snacks outside normal opening hours in the refrigerators already installed in some canteens.

Read more about Jespers Torvekøkken in this article from the previous tender: New canteen operator with a green focus - Aalborg University

All catering must be ordered from AAU's canteen or AAU Innovate's café and restaurant

Whether it is a sandwich for meetings, a buffet for an anniversary or a dinner with external partners, all catering must be ordered from AAU's canteen operator or AAU Innovate's café and restaurant in Aalborg. Further information is available here